Service Time
If you're new here, we welcome you!
We want you to know us as much as we want to know you, so feel free to dig around a little and find out who we are and what we're about.
Here at North, we believe church isn't a building. It never was, and it never should be. Christ's church is the people and their relationships with one another. We have core values, beliefs, our history, and our mission all laid out in the link below.
Go snoop around. We'll wait.
Previous teachings
We store our most recent Sunday messages in a convenient, "podcast style" library.
Come for the Jesus, dad jokes at no additional charge.
North Ave
Live Stream
Our Sunday morning gatherings and other smaller services are available to live stream whenever the cameras are on.
It's a digital solution to stay connected!
Sunday gatherings are at 10 am, and student ministry events can be found by clicking this button.